Campaigners claimed their protest today a victory after it was announced that Echo Managed Services, the company responsible for recovering unpaid water charges had cancelled its much publicised open recruitment day.
Echo would collect on behalf of the new water company Northern Ireland Water Ltd.
Secretary of the We Won't Pay Campaign Gary Mulcahy speaking at the protest today warned Echo that today's protest was the first of many to target it's headquarters on Upper Queen St in Belfast.
Mr Mulcahy said " This company is a consortium of multi-national companies who specialise in debt recovery for water companies in Britain. It is a scandal that the Government is paying Echo £70million of taxpayers money to harass and intimidate people into paying water charges, which we already pay for through the rates. We would also like to remind people that this is the same company that labelled working class communities in northern Ireland as being 'Rock Bottom'.
We want to send a clear message to Echo today that they will not get away with threatening people into paying the water double-tax. People are not rock bottom, but on the contrary are rock solid behind the We Won't Pay Campaign's call for mass non-payment of these charges."
We Won't Pay Campaign
PO Box 994 Belfast BT1 1RB
Tel: 90311778 e-mail: wewontpay@btconnect.com