"The meaning of May Day and Anarchism"
As part of the Mayday celebrations in Belfast this year Organise! will be hosting a number of public talks on the meaning of May Day and anarchism. Organise! member, Sean: "If we look around today, we see many of the gains that workers like the Chicago Martyrs fought for being swept away, from privatisation of our 'public' services, victimisation and bullying at work or in the moves to introduce water privatisation and charges by 'our' local assembly. Our history is a history of struggle and resistance, a history that demonstrates that as working class people we can organise ourselves and run society on the basis of workers' control and direct democracy. Ultimately, our real strength and power to transform society lies in our workplaces and communities not in the corridors of power - whether at Westminister, Stormont or Dublin." As August Spies, one of the Chicago Martyrs, said: "The time will come when our silence will be more powerful than the voices you strangle today."
Monday 7th May, 7.30: An Cultúrlann at 216 Falls Road, W.Belfast
Tuesday 8th May, 7.00: Ballynafeigh Community Centre, S.Belfast (Just Books, Organise!) Saturday 12th May, 1pm: Belfast Unemployed Resource Centre, 45/47 Donegall Street
Organise! will be assembling for the annual mayday march at 11.30 this Saturday the 5th May at Custom House Square in Belfast city centre.