Thursday, 17 May 2007

Belfast Anarchist Black Cross

Belfast Anarchist Black Cross aims to highlight ongoing prison abuses, inhumane treatment and neglect in the North, by providing a platform for prisoners and their families to raise their grievances.

Wednesday, 16 May 2007

Anti-War Benefit

A benefit gig for anti war protesters is being held in the Roddy McCorley Club, West Belfast on Saturday 16th June.
Appearing will be Political Folk Singers Barry Kerr, Colm Bryce and Ciaran Murphy. Funds will go towards defending those arrested and charged during protests around Tony Blair's last Stormont visit. An Organise! member was also arrested and charged during his visit.

Trade Unions and the Iraq War

Trade Unions and the Iraq War - Belfast meeting

Anti War Ireland, Belfast will be hosting a public meeting entitled "Trade Unions and the Iraq War"It will be held at 7.30pm on Thursday, 17th May at Transport House, Belfast.
The meeting will include speakers affiliated to the trade unions movement speaking on the subject "Trade Unions and the Iraq War"